
Posts Tagged ‘hand-to-hand’

Uncharted 3 Early Thoughts

November 1, 2011 1 comment

The adventures of Nathan begins once again.  The 3rd installment of this great series launches today, and after I’ve gotten through 8 chapters, I’m here to give you a quick review of what I think so far.

Right when I fired it up, the first thing I noticed was a bit of loading, a couple of minutes before even starting the intro.  However due to preloading, the loading screens were non existant after that point.  So fret not when you see them.

After an action packed start, I quickly realized that the hand to hand combat got reworked.  I actually prefer to duke it out now (hah).  Using Square to hit, triangle at prompts to counter, and circle to throw and struggle.  I’m very happy with these changes. Read more…