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Wakfu Early Thoughts

Recently Square Enix emailed me about Closed Beta testing a new MMO they were publishing called Wakfu.  It’s a free to play game.  The art style intrigued me, as well as it being open to Mac, so I signed up.  For some odd reason, even though they asked me to join, they never sent me the activation beta key.  Oh well.  Again a few days ago, I received notice that they were in Open Beta. So I downloaded and was able to get right in.

First thing I noticed was a broad array of classes.  You don’t choose a race per-say, you choose a tribe (best way to explain it).  You have the assassins, archers, time mages, defenders, berserkers, pet trainers, etc.  Those arn’t the actual names, but essentially what they seem to be.

To be honest the game classes confuse the hell out of me.  I have an idea of what they are but how to use/raise them is completely vague and confusing.  I can’t make heads or tails of it.

Right off the bat you’re placed into this beautiful artistic world.  I’d compare it to Bastion if anyone has played/seen that.  Each area you’re in seems like only a fragment of land floating in a space.  Colors are lush and sounds are good.  Another great part in it is the NPCs and players animations are unique and pleasing to watch.

In the first area you save a blob that will be your permanent companion.  He’s sort of the side kick that tells you about things and holds enchants that boost you.  So far, that’s about it.  It’s not Pokemon so don’t start thinking that.  He’s non combatant.

The combat is very unique for an MMO.  Essentially you right click a target you want to fight, it takes you into a sanctioned grid that you fight in and other’s cannot interfere.  They can watch, but not aid.  The combat is turned based, so each combatant on the field takes turns moving and attacking.  Movement is limited as well as your attack points.  To spice it up, quick decisions give you a filling meter that will grant bonuses like extra damage, attacks, range, defense, and more.

There’s a lot of treasure hunting in the starting area, gaining access to fun Emotes in treasure chests.  It also introduces you to the ecological system the game touts.  Essentially you can aid/destroy an ecology of an area.  You can help plant seeds to replenish the stock of sheep-like-creatures (yes, you plant them..), or you can aid in killing them to bring the balance down.  I guess later when you are part of a clan, you would aid in keeping the balance of livestock, or ruin the balance ecology in other clans’ areas.

Which brings to the next point.  After finishing tasks in the first area, you can head of into the world below and choose an allegiance.  This is about as far as I’ve gotten.  I’m unsure as to what benefit is to each area, what you do after that point, or what the purpose of the game is.  To be honest I’m lost.  I guess that’s true with most games, but I wish there was more explaining what abilities do and how best to raise them.

It looks great, it plays smooth enough, it’s free, but can’t figure out it’s purpose.  I’ll poke around in it more as I get free time.  It’s not on my priority list though.

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