
Posts Tagged ‘application’

I Hate/Love Screen Protectors

May 13, 2011 Leave a comment

What happened to the days of playing the original Gameboy or GameGear to death.  Dropping it, it sliding across the pavement on it’s face, brush it off, and keep playing.  Scratches?  Pffh, you sob about it for a minute, then continue with life.  Nowadays, everything has a screen on it, most all have touch screens.  Screens so bright and high resolution that the slightest scratch or nick spells disaster!

In comes the wonderful and amazing SCREEN PROTECTORS!  Wait, let me rephrase that.  In comes the most annoying experience known to man, INSTALLING SCREEN PROTECTORS!!

That’s right, for those that know what I’m talking about, I hate it.  I hate it so much it makes me feel like my stress level is through the roof.  First you pay at least 7 bucks for 1-3 applications.  That’s right sometimes you can spend upwards of 10-15 bucks for ONE application.  Now some ask, “why is this so bad?”  Glad you asked. Read more…